WORST BOSS EVER: Just Watch How They Treat Others When Off Camera...
August 25, 2020
It's a line as old as time itself. The wisest person in your family gave you the following advice when it comes to the true test of any individual:
"If you really want to know who someone is, watch how they treat others when they think no one is watching"
Without question, you've heard that saying or a variant of it. And it's 100% true.
This wisdom was on full display last week on a virtual Senate hearing. Here's the rundown from New York Mag:
In the middle of Postmaster General Louis DeJoy’s testimony before (a video-chat version of) Congress on Friday morning, Delaware senator Tom Carper experienced the kind of tech hiccup so many of us have while working from home over the last few months. And Carper — not realizing his screen and audio were being recorded for everyone to see — didn’t hold back his frustration.
After being called on to speak and almost missing his window because of the technical difficulties, Carper suddenly appeared, directing his ire over the problems at a masked staffer to his left. The senator intoned “f**k, f**k, f**k,” after which the poor man fiddled with Carper’s setup — which had already been restored.
What's interesting about this is that the Twitter mob, quick to cancel almost anyone, played it off and said words to the effect of "that's so 2020" and "who has not faced this?" - which are both correct sentiments.
But you know me. I like to dig a little bit deeper. My folks did tell me to watch how someone treats others when they think no one is watching - because it matters. Let's run through what I saw. First, watch the whole video multiple times below (email subscribers click through to view or click this link):
OK, got it? Here's what I saw:
1--Yes, this can happen to anyone. Which is why patience is valued in these circumstances.
2--It's not so much that he said the F word, it's how he said it. He turned directly to a staffer who was there to help him, and he didn't say words to the effect of "please help me" even with some cursing included, he basically turned to the staffer (turning away from the camera) and just started abruptly saying, “f**k, f**k, f**k"
3 - That whole deal - turning to a staffer and doing the whole grumpy, abrupt, “f**k, f**k, f**k" without actually asking for help basically puts you on the list of worst Bosses alive. It's a big list, but act like this and you're on the list.
4--Also notable is the fact that he couldn't handle the tech after being coached 100 times, and then clicks on something as he's turning to lambast his help and opens up the mic right before he turned to the staffer to drop f bombs - classic. It means he took responsibility for the tech, but then couldn't handle it, then kind of bullied someone under pressure.
The mob that usually cancels people was quick to play it off. To be clear, I'm not into the cancel thing, so I'm not interested in that angle. I'm not calling for anything.
But dig a little deeper on the mannerisms and call it for what it is. Powerful guy with awful habits related to how he treats people.
Worst Boss Ever - he's on the list.