Choosing Members of your Leadership Team as an Executive To Drive Culture (Best Boss Ever Podcast)..
July 30, 2020
Congrats my friend - you made it. You're an executive, and whether than means you're a C-level, SVP, VP, whatever - you're now expected to be strategic.
There's a lot of areas to think about strategy when you're a leader. Here's one you don't think about a lot - how you build your leadership team of direct reports (all who manage others) related to the type of manager of people they are.
In a past episode of Best Boss Ever, I reached out to my good friend and BOSS Leadership facilitator Dawn Burke and we identified and talked about "6 Manager of People Brands" including the Doer & Individual Contributor, The Friend/Pushover, The Control Freak/Authoritarian, Trend Spotter/Reader of the Best Seller, Performance Based Driver, and The Career Agent.
Which begs a question - if you're an executive building out your team of direct reports - all who manage others - which one of these "6 Manager of People Brands" do you want on your team? That's why I had Dawn back on to discuss, with a podcast on this topic below!
Whether you're a new executive or someone with 20 years in the seat, there's something in this podcast for you - check out the rundown below and think proactively about what you need more of on your leadership team. Spoiler alert - you probably need a mix related to the types of leaders you have on your leadership team.
The choices you make in this area direct impacts the culture you're building! Enjoy the pod and be sure to subscribe!
Welcome to Best Boss Ever, the podcast dedicated to helping you develop managers who build great teams. In this episode, Kris Dunn talks about the power of Choosing Members of Your Leadership Team To Drive Culture with Dawn Burke, master facilitator at the BOSS Leadership Training Series.
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On to the show (email subscribers, click here if you don't see the podcast player)...
Show Highlights:
4:40 - KD provides a quick rundown of the concept of manager brand and the 6 manager brands we covered in the episode 2 of Best Boss Ever
11:55 - Dawn and KD take the types of early career people managers – Doer & Individual Contributor, The Friend/Pushover, The Control Freak/Authoritarian - and rank which ones they would prioritize as a part of their team as an executive.
25:00 - Dawn and KD discuss the types of more established managers – Trend Spotter/Reader of the Best Seller, Performance Based Driver, and The Career Agent - including dialog on whether habits can change once they’ve been established in experienced managers. Dawn and KD rank which types of senior managers they would prioritize as a part of their team as an executive.
31:35 - KD and Dawn discuss their ideal manager portfolios across a team of 5 managers of people managing 60 people. What's the right mix of the different types of people managers for a department of that size?