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Venice Cruise Ship Fiasco: Create a Workplace-Related Caption for This Rough Landing Video......

In case you missed it, 65,o00 ton cruise ship MSC Opera recently crashed into a Venice dock, taking out a smaller ship and injuring a few people to boot.

On June 2, the 2100 passenger/13 story cruise ship laid on its horn as it came crashing into a busy dock, the Washington Post reports. Take a look at the video and then give me a workplace/HR caption that fits what you see below (email subscribers, click through for video):

I actually own a boat, and landing it was and is one of the most humbling things you can do.  Of course, my boat is 25 ft long and I bought it used as hell because I knew it was going to be a complete sh**show at times, and who needs to worry about hurting the value of your vessel when you're a complete newbie?  For that reason, I captioned it as the following in some of my group texts:

"Me landing it at the Marina on a windy day"

My group texts, littered with HR and talent pros, came back with the following gems:

"Me giving a presentation with no prep"

"My LinkedIn rep proposing to triple the cost of my annual contract"

"My CEO talking about his boat in an all-hands employee meeting"

"My Sales Leader changing his team's commission plan via email over the weekend with no warning"

You get the vibe. Give me your workplace related caption to this "rough" landing.



"My very-qualified-on-paper 10:00 AM pre-scheduled candidate call starting the conversation with 'wait, which organization is this again? What do you do?' "


When the team meeting was going just fine and the boss decided to show up half way through.


"I don't think those Glassdoor reviews will do too much damage"


"Phil's our top performer. Most top performers are difficult, but at the end of day they don't cause much harm"

Meagan Whitlow

"That sounds horrible. Instead of launching an investigation, I'm going to keep my eye on it. I'll make sure it's under control"

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