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WAIT, WE'RE WINNERS? Here's What Bad Engagement Looks Like, In One Simple Picture....

If you're at a company with mixed engagement from employees, you know the reality.  You're trying to do some positive things, but you've got people on the bus that don't care if you succeed or not.  Can they be saved?  I'm not sure.  I've kind of always subscribed to the reality you've got people that are for you, fence-sitters you can convert with some effort and people who are disgruntled to the point they probably can't be saved.

This post is about the disgruntled. Last week, the Houston Rockets (professional basketball) were down 2-0 in a playoff series.  Their star, James Harden, came down the court for a last shot to win a game and make it 2-1.  He made a move, stepped back and hit the game winning shot.  Nice, right?

Here's what the bench looked like just after he hit the game winner (email subscribers click through on the title of the post for pictures and video).


The kids in color rather than black and white?  Those are actually key players for the Rockets.  Let's just say they weren't fully engaged in the positive outcome. #wow

Team chemistry - at your company as well in professional sports - is a fragile thing.  There are many contributing factors to chemistry and the resulting engagement you get from the team. Some you control, some are a mix of interactions across the talent you bring in, and some are the responsibility of the employee.  I'd tell you if you see reactions like this after your company gets a big win, you might not need to get rid of all three of the employees in red above, but someone probably needs to go.

What about the guy jumping to the right in celebration mode?  Silly rookie/new hire.  Always with the rah/rah..  He'll learn.

If you need context to the image, the video appears below. (click through if you don't see it)  My favorite part?  The headband guy catches himself and starts giving a slow clap.  To the trained eye, that means while he might be part of the problem now, he could be part of the solution.  But only if you get rid of the guy to his left/our right.


Michelle Rafter

Love this analogy. And it's why the whole city of Portland is loving the Blazers right now. For once we've got a team that's a team.


A picture is worth a thousand words. Wow, this picture is worth more than that.

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