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NO SOUP FOR YOU: LinkedIn Removes Immediate Ability To Export Your Contacts...

Ah yes - LinkedIn.  You love it, but does it love you?

Like a jealous boy/girlfriend, yes - as long as you are loyal, including not doing things that look like you're getting ready to cheat. Linked in

What? Well, LinkedIn just removed your ability to automatically export your contacts - you know, the ones you originally uploaded, then started simply using LinkedIn as your rolodex for future connections.

GOTCHA!  More from PC World:

"LinkedIn users now have to wait up to three days if they want a list of their contacts on the service.

Previously, the social networking site provided a way for users to instantly export their contacts. It was a useful feature for people looking to manage their contacts elsewhere. Under a change made Thursday, users now must make a request to download their account data. In a page describing the new process, LinkedIn says users will receive an email within 72 hours with a link to download the archive when it is ready.

A link to the instructions for the process appears in very small type on the LinkedIn export settings page. The change was reported earlier by VentureBeat."

On a related note, LinkedIn still stands ready to suck ALL the contacts out of your outlook, gmail or other contact manager.  That can happen immediately.  (Italics notes word spoken with snark/irony)

LinkedIn is growing up - and it doesn't need to care about what you think anymore.  Critical mass has been reached.  

Like you, I use it everyday.  Like you, I thought LinkedIn and us were in this together.  Sorry to say, that's incorrect, and this move is a small example of that reality.


Recruiting Animal

Good title. It made me laugh.


linkedln is growing up in deed!


Thank you for the info


Lol! Sointeresting

سود پرک

i enjoy reading


It's actually still possible.. !


thank you for this information.

The Waffle Chef

Good read! The title made me have to click it!

Magdalene Mwangi



wow! great way of writing.

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