VIDEO: HR Confidential (@timsackett, @williamtincup and @kris_dunn)...
August 21, 2014
Hey Peeps - The other blog I run - Fistful of Talent - is doing a thing with SumTotal Systems calld the Summer Series #HRHangout, where we break down a single topic in a 20 minute Google Hangound - you can get it live every Wednesday at 2pm Eastern, or you can check it out after the fact on the SumTotal YouTube page.
Yesterday was our second one and Tim Sackett, William Tincup and me talked about HR Confidential - our favorite HR stories - at least the ones we could share in a PG-13 environment ... Check out the hangout below (email subscribers click through for the video) to find out.
Also, be sure to register for the rest of the series across the next 7 weeks by clicking here...