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August 2014

VIDEO: How to Hire a Great Recruiter...

Capitalist Note – We're doing a new series over at Fistful of Talent called the Recruiter Recharge, created in conjunction with the uber-pro recruiting team at Newton Software. Each month, we do a featured post, a podcast and a short video around a topic that matters to the recruiting community. This month, we’ve been talking about the best way to hire great recruiters.

Wrapping up this month at the Recruiter Recharge Series, Kris Dunn chats via video with Chris Brown, Global Director of Talent Acquisition at LANDESK Software.  CB’s a former professional soccer player, so you know he’s got some specific opinions about the best way to hire great recruiters.

Enjoy! (Email subscribers click through for video.)

TASE ME FOR ART: More On Sheeple In Your Organization....

Sheeple (rhymes with and used as a replacement for "people") - People unable to think for themselves. Followers. Lemmings. Those with no cognitive abilities of their own.

We've talked about Sheeple here before.  You know them well.  Something bad happens in your organization and there's a collective panic, mainly because Sheeple run in packs, love to think the sky is falling and have an inability to think for themselves.

You? You're just a PR hack with an HR title when it comes down to it.  You spin.  You must spin to control the mental flow of Sheeple.

Here's your daily dose of "damn sheeple"...  An artist found 100 people to volunteer to be shot with a stun gun, filling themselves with 300,000 volts of electricity. All in the name of art.  The "Taser Photoshoot" was conceptualized by Patrick Hall, who cut not only video, but of course, still photography as a part of the project.  Video below (email subscribers click through for video), analysis follows. 

The obvious reaction to this is that:

1) sheeple are stupid and the lowest common denominator works, 

2) shock value is always something you should keep in mind, and 

3) the best way to engage spouses of employees may be to allow them to cause pain and humiliation to their significant others, who just happen to be your employees.

When you really start thinking about this, I think the clear point is that a smart HR pro - who is also a marketer - will never miss a chance to use the willingness of sheeple to be herded.

What's that mean?  It means you may have to start thinking big to draw people into the tent.  Your training may have to have shock value.  We've seen this for a awhile with the audacity of diversity training to actually use ethic slurs in exercises (shocking? Maybe. Maybe not).  You're going to have to use the lowest common denominator, TMZ-ish type of content to get people interested.

Think about your next big initiative.  What's in your marketing bag to use the collective herding power of Sheeple for your own benefit?

Tasers always make a nice addition to open enrollment.  Think "first department to get to 100% completion gets a taser party"...

Managers As Coaches: The Key Is Confrontation....

Spent a good part of last week talking coaching skills to a group of managers in Texas.  How do you coach?  Why should you coach?  Why do so many managers not actively coach their people?

Then I see this from Tim Sackett, which I think is pretty good:

"When you tell me I should ‘act’ more like a coach, and less like a manager, I get very confused.  Let me give you a little insight to how most coaches behave: Izzo

Our intent is to get our players to be a more aggressive version of themselves for a short period of time to help us win a game.

I’ll publicly extol the virtues of team, while behind the scenes push internal competition beyond a healthy level.

I love it when my players want to kill each other, and having a fight at a practice isn’t really a bad thing."

Tim's point, which I think is pretty good, is that a BS generality that managers should coach like we see in sports is simple at best, and probably dangerous.  You have to pick your role models carefully, and for the most part, you don't want your managers acting like sports coaches.  Those guys (and gals) are absolute cavemen.  I know, because I used to be one at the college level many moons ago and now find myself attempting to find balance coaching youth sports at a pretty competitive level.

So let's assume that Tim's right (go check out the rest of his post at the link above).  Is there anything we can learn from the best sports coaches as we think about the right way to engage our teams on performance?

Yes we can.  The best coaches, both in corporate America and sports, are willing to confront situations that need to be confronted

The hardest thing about being a manager in corporate America is that most of the people who are promoted into roles managing others weren't promoted for their ability to coach.  They were promoted because they were the best individual contributor doing what they did.  So we assume they will be the best at managing others doing the same work.

That's true to a certain extent.  If you were kick ass at the job, then get promoted to managing others doing the job, no one understands it better than you.  You've got creditability as well.

But the thing you aren't prepared for?  Confrontation.  Most people don't do it anywhere as good as you did it.  So you see them do things that are counterproductive, and you really need to get in there and try to make them better.

But to do that, you've got to tell them how they are doing things isn't great.  In fact, sometimes it sucks.

That's why any coaching tool or methodology designed to help your managers needs to have a simple, low impact way for the managers in question to start any coaching conversation.

They've got to be able to confront - and they have to do it in a way were it doesn't feel like blatant confrontation.  To Tim's point, most of us aren't wired like Tom Izzo.   That means we're less likely to confront bad performance when we see it.

That's why they need your help understanding how to do something as basic as start a coaching conversation.  They're not screamers.  At least we hope not.

VIDEO: HR Confidential (@timsackett, @williamtincup and @kris_dunn)...

Hey Peeps - The other blog I run - Fistful of Talent - is doing a thing with SumTotal Systems calld the Summer Series #HRHangout, where we break down a single topic in a 20 minute Google Hangound - you can get it live every Wednesday at 2pm Eastern, or you can check it out after the fact on the SumTotal YouTube page.

Yesterday was our second one and Tim Sackett, William Tincup and me talked about HR Confidential - our favorite HR stories - at least the ones we could share in a PG-13 environment ... Check out the hangout below (email subscribers click through for the video) to find out.

Also, be sure to register for the rest of the series across the next 7 weeks by clicking here...


Saying Good Job: The Difference Between a Head Pat and Coaching...

It's always a little surprising when you're out in the world and find out many people have a fundamental issue with saying "Good Job."

For some on the far end of the "I'm tired of sucking up to these damn millennials who got a trophy for using toilet paper in an anatomically correct way ", saying "good job" is as hard for them as it was for Hancock.  Check out the video below (email subscribers click through for video) for a taste:

We get it right?  Do your job.  Don't expect praise for doing your job.  That's what boomers and Gen X always heard growing up.

But having a blind spot to saying "good job" can rob you of an opportunity to be an effective coach for the people who report to you.  Don't say "good job" because you think someone needs to hear it, say "good job" so you can get more of the good performance you see.

Reasons to say "good job", followed by specifics of what you really liked about what someone did:

1.  To get more of the same thing. Keep doing what your doing.

2.  Ramp it up and give me more of that.  In fact, stop doing some of the things you're doing and give me more of this thing...

3. Expand It - Good job.  You can make it even better by adding this - <insert coaching>

4.  Franchise It - Good job - I like what you're doing so much hear I need to you to tell others about it and train them how to do it.

Saying good job as a head pat sucks.  No one has time for that.  But, you have to see the opportunity to coach for more performance when you say good job, and like Jason Bateman in the clip above, teach people how to say it.

G..G....G...ooooood.   J...J...ob.

Buyer’s Remorse: The FOT 1st Timer’s Guide to Buying HR Technology...

A few months ago I did an opus grande on buying HR Tech, and I thought it was important because there's never been a better time to buy a solution to help you solve HR pain.

If you liked that, a couple of my friends who know their stuff are riffing on a similar topic over at my Screen Shot 2014-08-15 at 8.23.06 AMother blog, Fistful of Talent. In classic FOT style, Tim Sackett and Steve Boese, the Co-Chair of the HR Technology Conference, will break down the issues surrounding buying HR Tech in our latest webinar...

Join them on August 28 at 12pm ET for “Buyer’s Remorse: The FOT 1st Timer’s Guide to Buying HR Technology,” and they'll hit you with the following:

--The Difference between a Suite or a Best-of-Breed Product: Why you should care? Which one is right for you to buy? They'll break it down based on your unique needs.

--The Decision Tree/Process That Helps You Arrive at the Right Decision Regarding Which Solution to Buy. Yes, they can tell you exactly what to buy! But they won’t, because great HR Pros need to understand how to make these decisions. But don’t worry—they’ll show you how...

--6 Tips and Tricks the HR Vendor Community Uses to Get You To Buy Their Product—which might not be the product you actually need. Learn how to make sure you don’t succumb to these tactics when making your next buying decision.  This section alone will ensure you take control of your next buy like a pro!

--The Secret for Getting Your Organization to Invest in HR tech and How to Build ROI for your Executive Team. Every buying decision comes down to the why and ROI, and your ability to persuasively and concisely get your organization to support your recommendation.  Sometimes the hardest part of an HR Tech buy is your ability to get approval to buy!

Things that are hard:  Riding a bike on a freeway. Getting your kids to eat peas. Buying HR Tech. Join Tim and Steve on August 28 at 12pm ET for “Buyer’s Remorse: The FOT 1st Timer’s Guide to Buying HR Technology.” and they’ll make buying HR Tech easier. You’re on your own with the other two.

HIt the form below or any of the links in this post to sign up for this webinar - see you there, I'll be in the audience.

LinkedIn Profile Updates: How to Know If Someone's Looking to Bail...

How do you tell when someone's getting prepared to leave you based on LinkedIn profile updates?

Easy - When the only thing they change is their job title and they flush out their current responsibilities - and nothing else.

Someone who really updates/enhances/hits a lot of areas of their profile might just really be engaged in their career.  Doesn't mean they're going to leave or want to leave.

Someone who updates current job only?  Probably a culture terrorist - they're trying to bounce.  Unfortunately, a lot of people who would take this approach are often your least marketable employees, so they may not be able to find a place to land.

Which means they'll be with you for a long time.  Lucky You.

CAPITALIST PODCAST: How to Hire a Great Recruiter...

KD Note - Cut the 1st episode of Recruiter Recharge last week, a new podcast series we're doing with the uber-pro team at Newton Software On our first show we have Joel Passen, Co-Founder and Head of Sales/Marketing at Newton Software, and Jason Pankow, Staffing Program Manager at Microsoft and FOT blogger, on How To Hire A Great Recruiter. Even if you don't have time to listen to it all,  hit the podcast and move forward to hear specific topics at the following timestamps:

5:00 - Jason Pankow tells a great story about a job fair where a Mom lectured her son about staying in school...

7:00 - Joel Passen breaks down why hiring recruiters who act like Macgyver is so important...

12:20 - Joel, Jason and KD talk about the difficulty of recruiting in the Bay Area....

16:20 - Joel throws out his top 3 traits that great recruiters share...

25:00 - The gang talks about hunter vs. farmer and why you need to consider that when hiring recruiters...

31:20 - JP, JP and KD talk about where to find the type of recruiters you want and how to write JDs to attract the right recruiters...

38:50 - Joel gives us his top 2 questions to cut through all the BS when hiring recruiters...

Hosts: Kris Dunn and Joel Passen

Producers: Julia Lindsey & Cara Lucas

Can’t see the player below? Click here to listen now.

All episodes available on iTunes [click for archives]

Something You Always Want To Hear About Your Recruiters....

So, I'm checking into a client of Kinetix yesterday and there's two people at the front desk – the receptionist and a guy picking up food that was delivered…

Receptionist: "You're from Kinetix? We've got a lot of Kinetix people here…"  

Me: Small talk, stage banter.

Guy picking up food:  "I came from Kinetix too."

Me: "Really? That's great.  Who was the first recruiter that called you?"

Guy: "Peter"

Me: "I know Peter, good guy."

Guy: "Yeah, you know, Peter called me and I wasn't even looking for a job at the time (said in tone that meant he was impressed and surprised with that).

Me: "Sometimes the best candidates aren't".  (Me smiling on the outside, evil laugh on the inside...buhahahaha)

That's what you want to hear about your recruiters.  They called people who weren't looking for a job.

VIDEO: The DNA of a Great HR Pro (@LRuettimann, @timsackett, @DawnHRrocks

Hey Peeps - The other blog I run - Fistful of Talent - is doing a thing with SumTotal Systems calld the Summer Series #HRHangout, where we break down a single topic in a 20 minute Google Hangound - you can get it live every Wednesday at 2pm Eastern, or you can check it out after the fact on the SumTotal YouTube page.

Today was our first one and Tim Sackett, Laurie Ruettimann and Dawn Burke did a great job talking about the DNA of great HR pros... What makes the great ones special?  Check out the hangout below (email subscribers click through for the video) to find out.

Also, be sure to register for the rest of the series across the next 7 weeks by clicking here...