DATA & MONEY: Run a Vasectomy/March Madness Promo at Your Company Next January....
March 18, 2014
Heads Up - This is not your normal March Madness post about lost productivity. Your employees don't need tourney brackets to screw you out of an honest day's pay - they're waaaaaay more creative than that.
Nope - this post is about how you combine March Madness, economic, medical coverage and bedroom issues that interest your employees into one big "marketing meets HR" extravaganza.
You need to mark your Calendars for January 5th, 2015, at which point you'll launch a "Vasectomy/March Madness" special.
I'd like to think I'm a leader in this area. Once we had the second kid, it was time to decide if we were done or not. We were done. I went to a urologist to explore the male side of family planning.
My urologist was a immigrant from South America. As part of his vasectomy package, he actually told us he had to talk with us as a couple. Then he unleashes this (imagine Columbian accent):
South American Urologist - "Now Mr. Dunn, are you sure you want to do this? I have to ask, because I see more and more men in their early 50's coming back with a young second or third wife who expects children. At that point, they're looking to reverse the vasectomy. I don't want you to be caught in those circumstances."
Me - "I'm sure, doc. Have you met Mrs. Dunn? She's sitting right here."
What an ass. But the deal got done. It also coincided with the purchase of our first big screen TV and conference tournament weekend in college basketball, when there's like 100 high-end games on in a single weekend. I was a leader in this area. It's now a trend - from CNN:
"A major clinic in Ohio reports it performs 40 or 50 more vasectomies a month before and during the 68-team basketball tourney. We do have (in March) typically about 50% more vasectomies than in other months," said Dr. Ed Sabanegh, chairman of the Department of Urology at the Cleveland Clinic. A lot of patients come in and say, 'I have to have this during March Madness, you have to talk to my wife about it. Tell her what my limitations are and that I need to be on the couch."
Here's your opportunity HR - you launch a special next January and focus on your long term employees that look to be about done having kids and remind them of the possibilities. The women probably wish the husband would take care of it. The husbands are worried their macho level - or maybe the third wife in 13 years. You bring them together by reminding them of the possibilities of the vasectomy/March Madness combo. Maybe you throw in additional PTO and a platter from Chick-fil-A.
The wife wins because it's handled. The guy wins because he gets to watch hoops. You win because you're creative, and let's face it, your medical plan doesn't need more covered dependents or pregnancies.
That's win/win/win where I come from.
Brilliant as usual, Mr. Dunn. However, I may need to start breaking other parts in early January so I can repeat the process.
Posted by: Brian | March 18, 2014 at 02:56 PM
Fabulous post, Kris!! Talk about creative HR planning?? how can we make this fit the ladies of the company?
Posted by: Susie Kelley | March 19, 2014 at 05:19 PM
I'm in HR, encouraging vasectomies? Does that make me a specialist or a generalist?
Posted by: Interviewer | March 20, 2014 at 10:57 AM