5 Ways Leaders Can Reinvent Themselves And Start the Countdown Clock Over....
December 10, 2013
Yesterday I posted and said that every leader in the world has a shelf life of 5 years or less. At the five year mark, if not way before that point, all the value you brought to the table and all the ways you were different as a leader cease to be unique.
Everyone has heard it before. As one of my sons once famously uttered as a 4-year old at the dinner table, "It's the same 'ole s###". Turns out he heard that from this Nickelback song in the SUV. All the bad stuff can be tracked back to Nickelback.
Anyway, once things become stale for you with your peeps, you really need to reinvent yourself as a leader. Here's 5 ideas to freshen your game up. Think about it and try some of these out after the holidays:
In order to reinvent yourself as a leader, you can:
1. Become a better coach. Maybe you ought to actually invest yourself in making those around you better at what they do. Most of us don't do this enough.
2. Act like a career agent for the people around you. The most powerful thing you can do is care about someone's career, up to and including being open to tell them when they ought to take a opportunity outside your company. When's the last time you invested time in that?
3. Start giving highly public recognition in an authentic way. Talk like you talk to your best friend and tell the company why someone absolutely rocks it out a couple of levels below you.
4. Make yourself deeper in the functional area you lead and include the people that report to you on the journey. Nothing creates conversation better than great professional development opportunities you aren't afraid to share with other people below your level in the company.
5. Stop acting like a complete Narcissist. Try acting like a human being. That's general, but damned if it's not effective.
None of these suggestions are earth-shattering but they all have one very important thing in common - they all serve to interrupt a boring, predictable pattern you've let yourself lapse into. They also all include other people. Open your freaking door - both literally and figuratively.
After all, you're trying to prevent the kids from saying that's it's just the "same "ole ****". Even if Nickelback is not part of your iTunes rotation.