CAPITALIST WEBINAR: 5 Easy Ways For HR Pros to Engage Talent Pools – Without Looking Like Complete Stalkers...
September 25, 2013
Talent is key, right? There's a war for talent? Talent is your number one resource and priority? It's all about the people at your company? Blah. Blah, Blah. Blah.
I know. Lots of glittering generalities out there, but it underscores an important point - you're only as good as the talent you can attract and sign to your company. So it makes sense to engage the talent you might need in
the future before you need it, right?
Enter the concept of a Talent Pool. My definition of a talent pool revolves around candidates and prospects you're aware of (either broadly or in a specific funtional area/specialty) that you might want to recruit - either now or in the future.
Defining a talent pool is the easy part. The hard part is what to do in order to make talent pools part of your talent strategy. Lots of people talk about talent pools, few people ever do anything about it.
That's why my next webinar is up over at Fistful of Talent (sponsored by the incredible folks at Jobvite) entitled '5 Easy Ways For Recruiters to Engage Talent Pools – Without Looking Like Complete Stalkers' to be presented on October 3, 2013 at 1:00PM EDT.
- A simple definition of what a talent pool is, how you organize it in your ATS, and how to manage the concept of “opt-in” to the people you include in that talent pool. The definition of who gets included and “opt-in” is important, because you’re gong to broadcast a bit over time– which will feel different (in a good way) to candidates included in the talent pool.
- A checklist of information you already have access to in your company that those passive talent pool candidates would love to hear about. It’s a checklist! All you have to do is go find the info we list and you’re golden.
- Data on best practices in thinking like a marketer (do you use email, LinkedIn, snail mail, text, etc.) to engage your talent pool – without looking like a stalker.
- As the Grand Finale, we’ll deliver the top 5 ways to engage talent pools – and for each engagement method, we’ll list what the communication looks like, where to find the information and why doing it the way we recommend is the best practice
And as a Special Bonus, we'll give you a monthly calendar of what to do and when to do it related to our list of 5 ways for you to engage your talent pool. It couldn’t be simpler than that.
It’s time to make the talent pools you’ve built in your ATS or LinkedIn actually want to work with you and for your company. Join me, FOT and Jobvite on October 3, 2013 at 1pm EST for “5 Easy Ways For Recruiters to Engage Talent Pools – Without Looking Like Complete Stalkers” and they will show you how.
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