Meet Another HR Capitalist - Jeff Lucier (Ottawa! HR for Non-Profits! Rock and Roll!)
May 23, 2013
The best part of my job as a HR Leadership blogger is I get to talk to some really cool people. I'm going to do a better job at sharing some of those conversations with you.
Hell, let's do that today... I do a podcast over at Fistful of Talent called The CYA report, and on today’s show we have Jeff Lucier, Director, Human Resources and Organizational Development at United Way Ottawa, on human resources in the non-profit sector.
I'm talking to him about running a HR shop inside a non-profit, which is something I haven't done, but some of you have pondered for sure.
He's a HR Capitalist - just like you. Take a listen now, on your way home tonight - whatever - it's perfect smartphone fodder for when you can't look at the screen. See player below for the podcast (email subscribers may have to click through)...