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What The Capitalist Is Reading This Holiday Season....

Reading.  It's fundamental.  Yo. 

Here's a pic of the books I'm reading over what I'll call the "postmodern industrial complex holiday period".  That's a insider's way of saying that I get a little bit of vomit in my mouth when I see holiday lights up before thanksgiving like I did last night.  But that's me.

I'm not a big fiction reader, but most of what grabbed my attention to read this holiday season was fiction.  Here's the stack, descriptions, links and why I've decided to read them below:


The rundowns:

The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand - I'm pitching this one as true, uncompromising creative mind vs. all the #$#t the world wants to tell you is important.  Click on the link for a better description, but this is our holiday book at Kinetix.  It's a pure play talent book, so that's the reason we selected it.  That and the fact it makes our clients and friends of Kinetix look smart by putting it behind their desk.  They are smart, BTW - we're just helping them market that to the world by giving them this book.  #looksmart

Postmortal by Drew Magary - This one was recommended to me by a Capitalist reader to be our holiday book.  Not even sure what it's about (everyone can stop aging in the future but surprise, surprise, they're hidden downsides to that), but the author is a writer at Deadspin, which is actually a model for everything I've tried to do from a writing perspective.  So there's that.  #snarkysnarky

Machine Man by Max Barry - OK, Max Barry is a genius.  Start with Syrup, then come back to this one.  Barry's a former HP guy who writes fiction that's funny, smart and built around the workplace.  +2. #corporatelife

The Gum Thief by Douglas Coupland - I'm a big Coupland fan through great novels like Generation X and JPOD.  Coupland has a lot of workplace and generation stuff built into his novels, and this is a story about 2 disaffected workers at your local Staples wondering what it all means in a snarky, edgy way.  Ever wonder what Kurt Cobain would write like if he would have changed careers?  I think he would have written like Coupland.  #frustratedincorporated

That's it.  Hit me with what you're reading in the comments, an email or a tweet.  


Alex Raymond

The best business book I've read of late is The Advantage by Patrick Lencioni.

For fiction, I really like Gone Girl.


-Cloud Thinking by TK. He spoke at HRTech Chicago.

-The Million Dollar Race. Met him at HRTech Chicago.

-A Farewell to Arms by Earnest Hemingway

good stuff...have a good Turkey day KD!


Oh yeah...the author for The Million Dollar Race is Kirk Hallowell. Forgot that important detail.


We are reading: Point Counterpoint: New Perspectives on People and Strategy. Interesting - no Fountainhead!

Corey Harlock

Gifts of Imperfection - Brene Brown. Awesome!

apa research paper

I'd highly recommend Rich Dad, Poor Dad. It has encouraged a lot of people in our class to be capitalists instead of employees to certain companies. Make your own business is what it gives us as a message.


On a recommendation from another blogger I'm picking up Julian Barnes' "A Sense of an Ending"

Mike Cooke

If you have not read it yet, read Atlas Shrugged (preferably after the Fountainhead). More people should read Ayn Rand!


Daring Greatly, Brene Brown (noticed it was on Seth Godin's list too).


This isn't really a book about work, but it deals with what happens to someone after they loose everything. "Baby" by Robert Rodi is definitely an enjoyable holiday diversion.

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