HR Slang: Contingent Fringe
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Developing Your Team: Three Types of People (and why you're the problem)

You wish your team would accept greater responsibility.  Why don't they seize the moment and just do it?

It's a common thread for me and the people I hang out with.  Why don't more seemingly talented Types-of-people individuals seek to do more on their own?  Why don't they chase their own development?  Why don't they seek more responsibility?

The dirty secret is that the world is made of of three types of people:

1. The people who want more and work on their own to get it (You know who these people are).

2. The people who think that sounds like a lot of effort and just want to clock in and clock out.

3. The people who want more, but don't know what to do, what you expect as a boss or how to get from point A and point B.

Dirty secret #2: The people who want to clock in/out and the people who want more but aren't sure how to get there (#2 and #3 above) look the same.  If you nothing as a manager to force them to choose whether they want to do more in their role and work on their knowledge, skills and abilities, the problem is you.

Developing employees takes two things.  You and your time.  If you don't spend the time and get involved, the talent in buckets #2 and #3 merge into a pool of seemingly unmotivated, do the minimum employees.  

As a result, you whine and B#@# a lot as a manager.  But the problem is you.  If you don't engage the entire pool (#2 and #3) from a developmental perspective, nothing happens.

It's up to you. 


Tom Gimbel

I've always said the best thing a manager can give their employees is timeā€¦.not only time to develop their skills and become familiar with the job, but one-on-one time with them for training and development. Before a manager complains about the work of their subordinates, they need to first evaluate whether they have done their job. I share more in my blog post:

Eve Stranz

Thank you for highlighting what so many organizations have been neglecting - managers DO have an active role to play in developing their team members. I agree with and support the whole "employees need to take initiative in their career and professional development" philosophy, but the pendulum has swung to the extreme is many organizations, abdicating the managers' responsibilities to help an employee identify their development needs and actions to meet those development needs (which often times include broadening responsibilities, exposure, etc. within their current role.) It's such a win:win when done well, a tragic loss for all involved when not done well.

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