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PODCAST: THE CYA REPORT (Pilot/Show #1, Recruiting Creatives, NLRB, E-Verify, Hyphenated Names)...

Some of you know I've got another blog called Fistful of Talent (we call it FOT).  I really need to make you more aware of what's going on at that multi-contributor blog.  Today, we're proud to launch a new product at FOT.  A podcast, aptly named THE CYA REPORT.

Here's how THE CYA REPORT podcast works.  We'll sling around a light item or two, bring in the highly opinionated Tim Sackett for news, then grab a guest to educate us on something we need some CYA on. In the CYA Report - small cut future we'll have a quick hitting feature or two embedded in that format, but that's the way it's generally going to work.  Until the focus groups tell us it sucks, at which point we'll totally sell out and change it up.

Take a listen to our pilot via the flash player below (we'll work through iTunes, etc. in the weeks to come, if you don't see the player, just click the link for browser-based player), featuring the following features if you need to jump ahead:

Timestamp 2:20: Co-hosts Kris Dunn and Dawn Burke talk about keeping it real with a hyphenated name as a professional woman. Because let's face it, KD's an expert on this topic.  Also: Hungarian surnames are easy to remember.

5:12: Tim Sackett comes in with the news.  Topics: NLRB, e-Verify and discriminating against the unemployed.  We like one of these, hate another and are mixed on a third.

19:10: Why FOT believes in Jobvite (sponsor)

20:20: The CYA Report Interview with Jason Pankow of Microsoft Interactive.  Topic: Recruiting creative and technical talent at a place like Microsoft.  Ever wonder what it would be like to build a team to build a video game?  We've got that here.  Also available within - Jason's xBox handle so you can harass him on xBox live.

36:08: Why FOT reads Workforce.com (sponsor)

37:11: What we learned from the show, or why Tim became a Republican when he got old and crotchety.

Give it a listen, but remember, it's a pilot.  We're going to try and roll out a new podcast every couple of weeks, and we'll morph the show based on your feedback.  We're also going to work our game so it's no longer than 30 minutes, but that takes practice.  Drop us a comment with what you like, what was awful and what you'd like to see, etc.  Email us if it's too personal for public consumption, like a comment that Tim Sackett should be in jail for his worldviews.

Check out the CYA Report Below! Can't see the player? Click Here to Listen Now! 


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