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PLEASE SHUT UP: The Idiot-Proof Coaching Tool for Managers (FOT/HR Capitalist Webcast)

Steve Boese (HR Technology Blog, HR Happy Hour) and I are rocking the casbah (that's right, shareef don't like it..) with Sonar6 at this month's Fistful of Talent webinar entitled, "PLEASE SHUT UP: The Idiot-Proof Coaching Tool for Managers".  Sonar6 is hosting this shindig, so I'll link to the registration below and cut and paste the rundown they did.  It's going to be good:

"This month we’re teaming up with Kris Dunn and Steve Boese from Fistful of Talent to bring you The Idiot-Proof Coaching Tool for Managers. Coachingwebinar1

On April 14, 1:00pm PDT (April 15 8am NZ / 6am Sydney) we’ll be introducing the tool at a one-hour webinar that will cover:  

  • When managers should SHUT UP
  • The best time to make team members brainstorm solutions
  • How to wrap up the coaching conversation
  • The top 5 ways managers screw this all up

This isn’t about technology (not even Sonar6!); it’s about having better performance conversations regardless of how you collect performance information.

And if you can’t make the webinar you can still grab the e-book, which will cover the same awesome stuff.

Register for the webinar & e-book today!"

Couple of things to ponder.  You know most of your managers can't coach performance effectively - it's true.  We've got a 6-step tool we're going to share that allows your manager to coach on the spot in 2 minutes or less.

It's pretty good stuff.  They need it.  You're going to look smart if you train your organization on this.  The best things in life are simple to use.

Do I have to beg?  Join Us.  There'll be pictures of Christopher Walken, Run-DMC and Nick Saban with a mullett to make the medicine go down...


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