How to Get Fired Using Social Media in 3 Simple Steps....
February 04, 2011
Looking to get fired using social media? It's easy, kids!! Just follow these three simple steps:
1. Build a following via all the usual suspect tools: a Blog, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn...
2. Do a blog post that rants against the business model that puts cash in your company's (or primary investor's) pockets. Make sure the blog post is clear that you think the business model that is responsible for all your company's/investor's revenue is TOTAL BS.
3. Distribute the blog post widely via social media distribution tools and watch it go viral, especially if your company is a brand followed by millions.
That's all you need to do kids... The bigger question is beyond being stupid, why would someone do this? Hmmm. Let's examine a quick case study below...
Jason Kilar is the CEO of Hulu and a smart guy. Which is why a recent blog post he did was so interesting. More from Business Insider:
"A top News Corp exec is telling people Hulu CEO Jason Kilar is as good as gone, a source tells us.
Last night, Kilar published a blog post arguing that traditional TV has too many ads and that Hulu's ads are 2X as effective as TV ads. The problem for Kilar is that Hulu is a joint venture between a three companies that make a ton of money off TV ads – Disney, News Corporation, and Comcast. People at those companies are furious. This source says that Kilar had planned his post for awhile, and knew that it could result in him being ousted from Hulu.
This awareness that his tenure could be over bleeds through Kilar's post. In it, Kilar wrote: "A number of you that are reading this might be thinking that we’d have to be crazy to think that our small team can actually re-invent television and compete effectively against a landscape of distribution giants like cable companies, satellite companies, and huge online companies.
"We are crazy. All entrepreneurs need to be"
Why would Kilar rip off a blog post like this? My take is he's either sensing that his time at Hulu is done or he's tired of trying to be a change agent at a company controlled by "the man". Maybe a combo of both.
Still, if you're looking to get fired via social media, this is a great example of how to do it.
The quote "We are crazy. All entrepreneurs need to be" is brilliant. Is there any doubt that Killar is setting himself up for his next gig? I'm guessing if he gets bounced from Hulu, he'll end up as the CEO at a new media company in under 3 months or he'll run the next entertainment skunkworks at Google.
One thing is for sure - he won't be landing at a traditional media company anytime soon.
Definitely setting himself up for his next gig. Probably better ways to do it. This is a very L.A. move - all about entertainment. Too bad - he could have achieved the same objective with integrity. How you leave says a lot about what you start next. It builds a lot of your momentum. I've never been a fan of the false enemy approach. You don't have to hurt others to prove your point. Meglomania ...
Posted by: Bret Starr | February 04, 2011 at 11:27 AM
While he may be setting himself up for what he views as the next big venture- you would think that the thought would cross his mind that all potential employers out there might be a bit hesitant to bring in such a loose cannon. Will he do the same at the next place? Is he a glory/ media hound- just looking to make the press? Not all press is good & many companies might not want to take the risk of having his opinions about them out there.
Posted by: Gina | February 14, 2011 at 10:10 AM