Primer On What The HR Capitalist Will Be Talking About at HR Tech in Chicago...
And You Thought The HR Bartender Was Only Here to Mix Drinks... <#SHRMFL>

HR Florida (#shrmfl) - It's Like the Breakfast Club, without Emilio Estevez...

The real value of attending conferences often isn't the content of the sessions, it's talking to the talent attending.  The HR Florida show, while having great content, is no exception. 

I've had at least 5 or 6 extended conversations with really strong HR pros and businesspeople I never would have had a chance to know (who knows where those connections lead, I learned a lot from just talking to them), met the entire team of volunteers that runs the HR Florida Show (one of the best conference groups I've seen) as well as connecting with the attendees of the sessions I helped lead.

Nice.  Really the reason you keep attending shows like this, right?

Right...Then there's the "Breakfast Club", a rag-tag bunch of industry bloggers attending the show pictured below.


A motley crew at best.  That's me in the striped shirt, with Michael Long (the Red Recruiter) next to me, Jessica Lee (Fistful of Talent) in the jacket next to him, Laurie Ruettimann (Punk Rock HR) in the Chuck Taylors next to them, and Michael VanDervort (the Human Race Horses) breaking all kinds of hotel rules and sitting on the molding.

A great bunch of writers and people to get to know.  Thanks for the community guys!  I saw the picture and couldn't help but think of the Breakfast Club with VanDervort sitting up on the ledge and Chuck Taylors in the picture.


I'll Blog, then she'll blog, it'll be ANARCHY....


China Gorman

You all are soooo the Breakfast Club. Wish I could have been in the audience. Thanks for sharing your expertise and creativity with our SHRM members in Flordia!

laurie ruettimann

My favorite part is the body language in this picture. Hilarious!

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