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Beer Bong Pictures, Google Profiles and the Double Standard for Google/Microsoft...

Can I get a monopoly busting lawyer over here, stat?  Google's now helping those with potentially damaged online profiles get control of their career messages via Google Profiles.

Not familiar with Google Profiles?  From Google - "A Google Profile is simply how you represent yourselfAustin-hill-google-profile-1 on Google products — it lets you tell others a bit more about who you are and what you're all about. You control what goes into your Google Profile, sharing as much (or as little) as you'd like."

Profiles are public and contain basic information about yourself: a nickname (the real name is displayed only to your contacts), your occupation, your location, a list of links, a photo and a short description. They are embedded as iframes in pages that showcase user-generated content (personalized maps, shared bookmarks).

I guess that is a good thing.  Of course, if you don't sign up with Google, you can't control what appears first in an online search on your name - THEY control that, people.  Kind of like the Matrix, without the questionable acting of Keuna Reeves, which we all overlooked in the first Matrix, but noticed once the meandering, lost sequel that was "Matrix Reloaded" was released back in the day. 

From the New York Daily News:

"When you Google your name, what's the first thing that pops up?  Is it something you'd rather people not see? Or is your name so common your mere existence is lost in cyberspace?

While you can't completely erase those results, you can now better control your Internet identity - as long as you're willing to share your private information with Google. The world's dominant search engine has tweaked its famed algorithm to give a featured spot to users with "Google profile" pages. In other words, sign up with Google and get noticed online."

Google announced the new functionality, which will apply to name-based searches in the U.S., on the company's official blog Tuesday. Searches will include a new section, at the bottom of pages, that will show Google users' headshots, job titles and other biographical information."

First up, I think it's fair.  Sign up with Google and get the benefits, and I'm fine with that.  I can't help but point out, however, that if Microsoft controlled the same piece of the pie and attempted a similar innovation/leverage, the trustbusters would be circling Redmond in black helicopters.

People have a choice, you say?  They can use products other than Google?  Right - just like people can   use products other than Windows.  How'd that work out?

For the record, I'm OK with it.  Capitalist principles, develop a market and leverage it - I'm down with the sickness.  Just don't tell me Balmer wouldn't already be in handcuffs for the same thing if it was Microsoft that was controlling the search pipes.  Because he would...

--sent to you via my Google Account!


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