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This Just In - Managers Don't Trust HR... They Trust (or don't) YOU...

I hit you with some notes a couple of weeks ago regarding the "Don't Trust HR" article that made the rounds at  My advice?  Stop whining and start doing.  The folks around you know whether you are any good or not as an HR pro.  I guarantee that.  For those of you who are strong, your business peers know the value.  That's not the HR folks, it's the managers you serve.

Put your energy into cramming the stereotype down the world's throat by being a different type of HR proApple_think_different.  Be better than you were last month.  Initiate a value-added project that someone in your organization didn't expect.  Rinse, repeat.  Think different.

It's not HR's reputation that matters.  It's yours. 

Here's a take from a manager in the field who read the article.  More from Phil G. at the always engaging Slacker Manager:

"Here’s another situation: Someone on your team goes to HR to talk about the way they are being treated by you, their manager.Do you trust HR to listen without taking sides, and to work with you and the associate to fix the problem?

One more situation:

You have a job opening for a highly specialized role on your team that needs to be hired ASAP. Standard protocol is to start with a phone screen with an HR assistant, then meet with a recruiter in HR, then if they are deemed worthy, they get to meet with you.

Do you trust HR to move with the speed you need to get the job done in the time you need it to be done?

According to CFO Magazine, don’t trust HR. According to some in the blogosphere, you should trust HR, or at least think critically about what the article in CFO Magazine has to say.

I trust people, not departments. I make my decision based on the person in the role."

Nobody outside of HR cares about the reputation of HR.  If you're good, you get the rewards.  If you suck, you're part of the stereotype.  Film at 11. 

So, get good and try to get better over time.  Managers like Phil know the score.  They're evaluating you, not the profession. 

Think Differrent. Be the ball, Danny.


Carmen Van Kerckhove

> So, get good and try to get better over time.

Well said, Kris. I would just add one more thing to that:

Get good, but also get good at letting others know you're good.

I think that HR pros -- just like any other professionals -- need to learn how to promote themselves (tastefully, of course).

I actually wrote a post recently called How to Toot Your Own Horn Without Sounding Like a Jerk.

In today’s business climate especially, the reality is this: unless you make your accomplishments known on a regular basis, you may find yourself with a pink slip because your managers don’t realize the value you bring to your organization.

We can't afford to assume that people are paying attention to our efforts. Most likely they're a lot more focused on justifying their own existence, than watching our accomplishments.

Carmen Van Kerckhove

Oops, looks like that link didn't come through. Trying again. :)


"It's not HR's reputation that matters. It's yours."

Bingo -- truer words were never spoke.


Great post as well as comments from Carmen and kentropic. We need to continue to perform great work and make sure others recognize it.

The article below is just one example which speaks to your point:

"Talbots Inc. yesterday tapped its human resources chief, John Fiske III, to head the Hingham clothier's retail operations in the United States and Canada."

Just another HR Lady

Wow, a company is moving an HR Exec into the top leadership role, that's amazing (and rare).

I totally agree with the idea of HR vs. the reputation of the person running HR. My current employer brought me in to establish an HR department in the company. Most of the Execs had never dealt with or had access to HR before so didn't know what kind of value HR could add until I came along.

Now that it's time to start adding additional HR pros to my team, the Executive wants me to hire someone "exactly like me". I've tried to explain that it's best for me to find HR pros with different experiences and backgrounds than me, so I can show them what other value HR can add. HR is currently what I believe it should be, but others can improve on what I have built as always happens when more than one perspective is involved. They're still not buying that idea, but we'll get there. :-)

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