Personal Branding - Important Enough for a Magazine?
February 04, 2009
Social Media is important for talent pros to be involved in and general comes in stages. First, you do some Google searches to see what's out there in your space. Next, you become what I call a "lurker" and start to subscribe to blogs and networks that you consider relevant to what you do. When you're feeling really cocky as a newbie, you get up to guts to start commenting on blogs and maybe even open a Twitter account.
And that last step is where your personal branding seems to begin. Instead of being a consumer of social media, you're stepping out to tell people who you are, which is a form of branding, whether you like it or not...
Now, I've just used the term "personal branding" and most of you need a nap. That's OK, I know it's a lofty concept, so I'm pointing you today to a resource that can explain it better than I.
The resource? I'm going with Dan Schawbel, personal branding dude over at the Personal Branding Blog, and also the publisher of a little mag called the Personal Branding Magazine. The latest issue of the magazine focuses on the first step of the personal branding process, brand discovery. Many people rush into personal branding, without first taking time to figure out who they are. Dan's team interviewed some leaders in the space, such as Marcus Buckingham, to help you with your own personal development. Here's who he has up in this issue:
-Marcus Buckingham is the bestselling author of First, Break All the Rules and The Truth About You. Has sold millions of books and addresses 250,000 people a year in his keynote speeches. More about Marcus…
-Marshall Goldsmith is the New York Times bestselling author of What Got You Here Won’t Get You There—a Wall Street Journal No. 1 business book and Harold Longman Award winner for Business Book of the Year. More about Marshall…
-John Assaraf is the New York Times bestselling author of Having It All and was one of the coaches in the hit movie The Secret. More about John…
-Tim Sanders is the author of Saving The World At Work and former Chief Solutions Officer at Yahoo! Inc. More about Tim…
It's a good mag to get immersed into the concept of personal branding, and you should check it out. Odds our if you're reading this blog, you're already down the road on the concept of personal branding, and you may not even realize it. If I had one criticism of the mag, it's that most of the dudes on the cover look a little too polished and make me feel that I'm going to a captive timeshare meeting. But that's probably just me being snarky, because the content is valuable and needed for most of us.
Check it out if you have a chance.....