FOTv Pilot Launches On Thursday Over at Fistful of Talent...
Talent Primer - Buy Vs. Building a Super Bowl Team...

FOTv PILOT EPISODE: Needy Candidates, Social Media Fools and Toxic Job Descriptions....

It's "must see" TV time.  Well, maybe not must see TV, but how about Fistful TV?  Here's our pilot episodeFOT-Badge---Rally-Round of FOTv, our TV show that features the cast at FOT.  The format's pretty simple - we riff on a few topics, and you can't be all war and peace and stuff.  You've got a minute to make your point, then you're out.

We're still playing around with the name.  The idea behind the product is that we've got some great contributors over at FOT, and while I love the way they write, I know they have even MORE to give.  So, we stuck a camera in front of them at the same time, threw a list of topics on their lap and said.... "you're on....GO!"

First up - me, Jessica Lee and Josh Letourneau.  We're riffing on camera about the EFCA, social media, needy candidates, firing employees who interview for other jobs and job descriptions that suck.  We also take a shot at wondering aloud why JLee didn't get her apartment rented out for Inauguration Day.  What a missed revenue opportunity...

We've got tons of ideas to keep the format fresh, moving forward, so we'll be experimenting a good bit in the months to come with the product.  Expect to see Tolan, Hogan, Hebert, McClure, Dingee, Uranga, Pankow, Rapp and Seiden buck up in the near future as well.

A free orange county jail FOT jumpsuit to the first viewer to name the song/band in the intro...(email subscribers click through for the video...)


HR Minion

This is all kinds of awesome, I can't wait to see more. :)


Very nice Mr. Dunn.

Tim Sackett


First chance I got to catch FOTv and I absolutely love the format - you really channeled Tony Kornheiser.

Jessica - "Grow Balls!" only us HR Pros get away with that...also I agree Burn the JD - it only gives low performers leverage to show what they don't need to do!

Great Job all - can't wait for the next installment.

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