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Video Resumes - Now Playing at an Over-the-Top Laptop Near You...

I'm on record as saying that while I love the technology that drives video resumes, I don't think they're in the best interest of most candidates, or for that matter, most hiring managers.

Josh Letourneau has a great rundown of the drawbacks related to the video resume over at Fistful of Talent, the best of which is the concern that by creating a video resume, you're risking seeing yourself plastered all over YouTube by some spiteful HR Coordinator who thinks you're a dork - or dorkette.  See the history behind the Impossible is Nothing video resume as a springboard into Josh's top 8 things NOT to do on a video resume:

A. Don't banter about your philosophies of what defines "success".
B. Don't include clips of yourself lifting weights in short shorts.
C. Don't show clips of yourself doing anything that might resemble X-Games stunts.
D. Don't say anything along the lines of "Ignore the Losers".  (Did I really have to mention this one?)
E. Don't include clips of yourself doing any form of dance moves (Whether ballroom or hip-hop, it's the wrong place).
F. Don't show clips of yourself executing any Martial Arts maneuvers, to include breaking bricks.
G. Don't put anything resembling the following after your name: "CEO and Professional Athlete".
H. Don't proclaim yourself as "A model of personal development and inspiration to those around you".

Hilarious.  If you know about the Impossible is Nothing video resume, get in a good mood for the weekend with the following video resume spoof by Michael Cera (Superbad, Juno) entitled "Impossible is the Opposite of Possible".

Classic - Have a good weekend, and remember - Ignore the Losers....


Katrina Kibben- VisualCV

I agree. Video is a powerful tool but when it comes to getting a job it's just not enough (and can turn into an office joke like you mentioned above) offers a little more than just the video. With a VisualCV you can have both- the multimedia benefits of video or other portfolio items to stand out AND the content of your paper resume.

If you have any questions about VisualCV, please check out my VisualCV at

Resume Writer

I am a certified resume writer. On the message board of one of the resume writing associations of which I am a member, I inquired as to whether anyone thought the video resume was going to be replacing the tried-n-true word processor resume and the answer was a resounding "no".

Meg Bear

seriously, "just say no" to a wrestling outfit at the gym.

Colleen Aylward

Hi all. At the risk of being a visionary , I would implore you to be open-minded about the technology of video, and keep your criticisms focused on the potentially positive application of video. While I'm thrilled that the words "video" and "employment" are being used in the same sentence (some still shudder at this juxtaposition)I'm looking forward to the time that you, the builders and viewers of video, will accept that video is here to stay and that you have great influence on the way that video will be incorporated into employment-focused applications.

Consider the fact that the CORRECT use of this technology could, in fact, change the way recruiting is being done from here forward -- saving weeks in the hiring process, and adding that due diligence factor that seems to get lost in the race. Consider that global screening could certainly be aided by this technology, if crafted into a compliant, easy-to-use, consistent format.

Consider the fact that even though she has a Masters Degree from MIT, and has 2 million connections on LinkedIn, you find out after 3 weeks spent coordinating an interview that you could never put her in front of your clients in that high-touch support position because she has terrible personal hygiene, and refuses to work with people who aren't as smart as she is.

We've got to start deploying technology to get to the truth factors more quickly and more professionally.

Let's stop criticizing the poor use of video and start contributing great ideas to the future use of them in employment applications!

Looking forward to your brainstorming.

Rita Ashley

Let's focus on the fact that the first person to see a resume is usually NOT the hiring authority; it is the gatekeeper. What better way to provide instant go/no-go information than a video PRODUCED by a gatekeeper (read, not the candidate). It isn't the technology that has to come of age, it is the population who dispenses the information (interview video) that needs to be upgraded...Look at for an example of how sophisticated the offering must be to achieve acceptance and be effective.

Eric Beauford

I agree with Colleen and I find it funny that I hear the exact same negative comments today from recruiters (mainly TPR) that I heard 7 years ago when I was with an IT Staffing company that developed one of the first job/candidate matching engines that also included a pre-recorded cached video interview. We built out our offices with studios and had the candidates come in and record 4 standard 1st interview questions for 33 different IT positions.

As it turned out, we were a little ahead of our time back then, both technologically and culturally, but I will tell you this, when positioned and and shown correctly, hiring managers within my existing client base (Fortune 1000) were excited about the potential of using it because they saw the immense potential in making their interview process more efficient, and ultimately having a positive effect on their total cost of hire.

Today with the advancement of Web 2.0 technologies and the rapidly changing market environment due to the rise in use of Social Networks, video interviews WILL become more prevalent in the very near's tough being a visionary and it's easy to sit back and point out the negatives of an idea while ignoring any of the positives, which reminded me of one of my favorite excerpts from "Six Timeless Marketing Blunders"....."Innovative and creative marketers eye the conventional wisdom with healthy skepticism. They look for opportunities the pack does not see.....Suppose these individuals had listened to what the "experts" said: Christopher Columbus-"the world is flat", Wright Brothers-"if man were meant to fly he would have been born with wings", Ronald Reagen-"too old to run for President, he can't win".

Will we be adding "while I love the technology that drives video resumes, I don't think they're in the best interest of most candidates, or for that matter, most hiring managers."? Just thought...

karen mattonen

Eric and Colleen
it appears that you both are discussing a video interview, moreso the video resume.

meaning the candidate was selected, screened, and now is in the interview process? is that correct?

The video resume is a legal breeding ground, but the video interview a completely different animal, if done correctly could actually be a saving grace for any company.

To distinguish between the two, widely diverse applications, may allow for a more positive brand..

Your thoughts/

Colleen Aylward

Great point, Karen... as always...

There is a vast difference between the "video resume" which is basically a wild card, and the "video interview" which has some structure to it, aiding the viewer in determining match for their particular job opening or corporate culture (and hopefully both).

Karen Mattonen

the word "corporate culture" has the greates Potential to create potential for an adverse impact. What EXACTLY is corporate culture? that all individuals belong to the local Yacht Club, and must be able to fit into that element of society?

What does the "corporate culture" have to do with the Ability of a candidate? the Ability to do the job.

Based upon the UGESP (Uniform Guidelines of the Selection Process) I don't believe that Corporate Culture, or even terrible hygene.

If a candidate has been working at your competitor for 16 years, doing an excellent job at the exact position that you are recruiting for, would you not say that educating the individual on their hygene would be more effective than considering issues that have potential of creating a legal liability

A video interview should not be abused, and I totally believe that the video should be Used ONLY after the candidates had been selected based upon their reflective skills. The candidates are each interviewed in a controlled environment, sticking to an interview questionaire created prior to the interviews.. allowing for consistency..

Videos should ONLY be utilized at the request of the Employer (many of employers may not be Legally set up to receive AND Legally Store the video resumes in their database as is mandated by law...

video interviews definitely have great potential especially in today's economic climate, but, it does indeed concern me if they will be utilized to determine the "culture fit" or appearance of the Qualified candidate...

karen mattonen

I meant to say - Based upon the UGESP (Uniform Guidelines of the Selection Process) I don't believe that Corporate Culture, or even terrible hygene fit into the due diligence of the selection process..

Actually from what I remember qualifications must be noncomparative, objective, and Job related..

Company culture.. I think that would be deemed Subjective.. and not really distinguishable as job related.. but, maybe a bfoq could be established.. hmm.. maybe???


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