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The Geek Squad, Unions and Long, Long Emails...

For those of you in companies and organizations that are union-free and intend to remain that way in the future (regardless of what happens with the EFCA), there's an interesting situation going on over at Best Buy as reported by the Consumerist.  It seems the CWA (Communications Workers of America) is emailing employees in the "Geek Squad" department, and Best Buy has responded by getting its message out via email to all employees.

Take a look at the email and let me know what you think as a union-free HR pro.  I'm struck by the lengthGeek-squad-socially-acceptable-ad-parody of the email (see the original here), and the breadth of topics discussed.  Having said that, it is the Geek Squad (email is probably the best way to communicate), they've got thousands of locations, and we're running up to the point when the EFCA may become law, so it's probably prudent to get the message out via any means necessary. 

I'm guessing the first negotiated item, if the CWA came in, would be to get rid of the geek uniforms, which would be classic - it's really the brand that causes suburban America to pay more than they have to for basic PC services.  That's how it goes with unions - remove the items that differentiate the business and keep the jobs viable and in play long term.  Here's the email:

"Good Morning

Each of you may have been receiving emails from anonymous individuals identifying his/herself as Wilt Chamberlain, Double Agent, Geek Squad, Agent Agent or Magic Johnson. These emails from an anonymous sender(s) are asking you to ‘unite’, directing you to the Communication Workers of America (CWA)....


First, none of the emails are being generated by the company or by a manager.

We have been having meetings with you, asking everyone to voice their opinions and asking everyone to help solve the problems we collectively face in tough economic times. Your input is important. We do not solicit input anonymously.

Each of you was selected because of your professional experience, attitude and skills. Every single member of the Geek Squad should be proud of your personal contribution to the accomplishments of the team. You have each helped establish a brand that millions of people recognize and respect.

Economic times are tough right now.

Modifications are needed to get through this difficult time. This is happening in every company in America. Today, we are in a lot stronger position than most companies.. Economic times fluctuate. Decisions have to be made in both good times and in tough times. We always want your input. We want to hear your voice, your concerns and want to make changes in a respectful manner. We want to continue to work with you directly so that questions can be answered and so that misunderstandings can be addressed without filters. And we also recognize that as a management team we sometimes fail to follow the best processes – never intentionally - but your direct feedback and input helps all of us learn to be better in the future in service of our employee and customer.

One email suggested that Best Buy is afraid of Unions.

We are not afraid – We are concerned.

We are concerned about being able to talk with you directly.

We are concerned about being able to continue to get your feedback, input and suggestions in an open forum.

We are concerned that a union could result in a lack of flexibility to address market conditions, customer desires and your own desires and needs.

To whoever is using the name of the great Wilt Chamberlain.

Over the last thirty years, union membership has dropped from 35% of total workers to just over 7% of the private sector. Did you ever ask yourself why any business loses market share? In one email the CWA is mentioned. To find out more about the CWA, take the time to search around the links at http://unionfacts.com/unions/unionProfile.cfm?id=188


If you disagree with the anonymous senders, it is your decision and you can show your disagreement in any lawful manner including responding to the emails of the anonymous senders. If you agree with the anonymous senders, it is your decision and you can show your support in any lawful manner.. It is your choice.

Let me say that we are not afraid of unions at Best Buy. We truly believe that union representation is not in the best interests of the company, our customers or our employees. If you have any issues, concerns or ideas please do not hesitate to talk to your immediate supervisor or reach out to me.

In closing, let me say that we are betting the farm on our employees. What we are concerned about is putting something or someone between our employees and their supervisors that eliminates transparency, honesty and our ability to win with our customers by creating a world class experience for each of our employees. Feel free to reach out share your thoughts, ideas or concerns to me at anytime."



Thanks for the excellent post and the nod to Consumerist. I am a Union-Free HR Pro working with an Auto Supplier to Japanses Automakers. As you can imagine, I'm strongly opposed to the EFCA and it's friend the "RESPECT" Act which would not only subject employees to bullying and terror but also make supervisors - the first line of defense in a campaign or before it - a BU eligible member. These are times where it looks like the shifting winds (and majorities in the political parties) will bring major change to the Labor landscape.

That said, I think that Best Buy did a thoughtful and respectful response to the anonymous emails. I think that they evaluated their employee group and that email was the best way to commuinicate a concise, consistent message. Well done.

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