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Capitalist No-Brainers - Insurers Providing Payment to MD's For Prescribing Generics...

From the "why hasn't this happened already" file, I offer up the idea of medical insurance providers battling the marketing muscle that pharmaceutical reps have with doctors, by offering payments to doctors who prescribe at least 70% generic prescriptions to their patients.

More on the practice from BusinessWeek:Drug dollar

"In a twist on the perks brand-name drug companies give to physicians, some insurers are offering doctors cash rewards for prescribing generics. Buffalo-based Independent Health pays about 25ยข per patient monthly to doctors prescribing generics 70% of the time. That can add up to $2,000 a year, says CMO John Rodgers at Independent, which serves 6,500 employers. Every 2% rise in generic prescriptions, he says, causes a 1% drop in Independent's drug costs.

The idea could catch fire with insurers, if it's not quenched by lawmakers in Massachusetts and other states who want to limit payouts that encourage doctors to practice in a way that benefits companies."

That's the type of capitalism that can actually have an impact on the cost of health care.  Are you listening BCBS?


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