Is Your Strategy Entry Level Talent or Superstar?
Starting Quickly - The Holy Grail of Performance.....

Women MBAs, Clout for HR and Selling Popsicles....

Sweet cuts from other HR blogs this week.  Ch..Ch..Ch..Check it out:Icecreamtruck

-Laurie R. at Team Building is For Suckers takes a look at recent research suggesting women MBAs are more likely to divorce than men.  My favorite part? Laurie's quick rant on the research findings, which suggests women MBAs need to target loving, supportive men.  No word on who non-MBA women should be targeting...

-Michael Wade at Execupundit takes a look at HR and clout, suggesting that begging for it only ensures you will have none, then offers up the non-begging approach.    Click through for the details, but here's the cliff notes - be competent and act confident....

-Maren Hogan at Fistful of Talent and Big O Recruiting slices and dices buzzword bingo and encourages us all to just sell the freaking Popsicles... Does that make me a Popsicle guy or a Popsicle sales consultant?

PS - My favorite image of the ice cream truck/Popsicle guy comes from a day about a year ago, when I was driving home from church on a Sunday.  Pass by a package liquor store, ice cream truck parked in a fire lane right in front of the booze shop.  Seen later in my neighborhood selling Popsicles, living the creed laid out by Maren.

Needless to say, we walk our kids up to the ice cream truck and maintain visual contact....

I'm out.  Have a great weekend....



Raven Cross

Hi Kris,

My name is Raven Cross, and I have just obtained a BA in Bus. Mgt. and started my MBA in Human Resource Mgt. How can I gain experience in HR? Will being certified help me? How can I attend classes to pass the certification exam? I need help!!!!! Whoever receives this can they please forward this to Kris. I live in the Birmingham also, please contact me. cross [email protected] or 256-525-6551.

Raven Cross

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