Help Wanted - Witty and Sometimes Jaded Talent Professionals Who Want to Blog Weekly....
February 22, 2008
HELP WANTED - (4 Positions Available)
Progressive blogging organization is looking for witty and sometimes jaded professionals, in the Talent Management sector, to blog on a weekly basis, about their life as part of the machine. New blog, as yet unnamed, to be launched to provide perspective of people conducting recruiting, staffing and talent management activities in the field.
-A working position in recruiting, staffing or HR, focused on acquiring, aligning and maximizing talent in your company, or on behalf of clients.
-Writing skills, plus the actual willingness to write and blog on a weekly basis.
-Personality and the ability to merge other resources and pop culture in writing, all in an effort to make it digestible for the commoners (that's me..)
-Ability to tell the world who you are while you are blogging - name, what you do, and where you do it.
-Skin thicker than that of a donkey, for the lashings you'll receive in the comments section.
Successful Applicants Will Come From the Following Areas:
-HR Pros with recruiting responsibilities
-3rd Party Recruiting/Search Execs
-Director of Talent Management within a company
-Staffing/Recruiting Manager within a company
-Gen Y Correspondent
-OD Professional, preferably within a company
-Leadership Development Pro
-Employee Incentives and Performance Pro
-Sourcing Pro
What You Get in Return:
-Membership in an exclusive, yet opinionated team that will undoubtedly make the dysfunction in your extended family look like an episode of "Little House on the Prarie".
-The ability to blog and share your thoughts without having to start your own site.
-Exposure of your ideas and brand in the online property of a national periodical in the Talent Management space. If you're a current blogger, you'll also get enhanced exposure for your blog.
-A projected stipend per month that will fall somewhere between a night out at Denny's and paying your cable bill.
-The warm feeling of giving back to your profession with the professional distance that only digital media can provide.
Sound like you? Interested in hearing more? To apply, please confirm your interest in the comments section or email the Capitalist at [email protected].
K.D.'s Things To Do: Find Gen Y Correspondent - DONE.
Kris, I want to be your Gen Y correspondent more than the 72 Dolphins wanted the Patriots to lose.
The article below is a sample of my writing style & perspective. ** Note, there are a few sarcastic undertones or over dramatizations, but I'm sure you would expect no less.
The Real World Tilt-a-Whirl for a Gen Y
Being a Gen Y in today's working world is like riding the tilt-a-whirl at the county fair. The bright colors, flashing lights, and roars of laughter draw you in. It all looks so fun & exciting – you can’t wait to ride it. So you decide to wait in line… and you wait… and you wait some more – patiently of course. Slowly you move to the front of the line, watching the other joy riders dizzily stumble off the ride. Some are laughing, others look a little green, and of course there's always one crier. Some poor sap, who although they passed the height requirement, frantically staggers off the ride with tears streaming down their beat red face, confirming to those of us in queue - they were not ready for this.
As a Gen Y, that’s what it’s like waiting to get into the working world. We work our way through college and grad school, with every test and every class we get closer to gradation and closer to entering “The Real World.” We know its not all fun and games, but we still want on the ride.
You’ve graduated and now it’s you're turn now to give it a whirl. You step on the metal shaky floor and take a couple glances around to find the best spot, the best company to start your career with. Like Goldie Locks, it has to be just right. You make an A-line straight for the perfect seat. Just as you are about to sign on the dotted line, you realize, a man with slicked back hair and a five o’clock shadow looks like he’s going to take your spot. You give him The Eye as if to say “don’t even think about it.” Your competition has always been fellow Gen Y’ers, but now your competing against ALL generations Boomers to X’ers and those in between. Your slick haired frenemy takes the spot just to the right of yours - you smile back politely. You sit down & prepare for the ride of your life, making sure everything is in place. Lap Belt… Secure. Shoulder Harness… Locked. The ride operator makes some general announcement but you pay little attention, because all you can think about is how much FUN this is going to be… or perhaps its your ADD kicking it (all Gen Y’s have little ADD – you other generations would too if you grew up watching as much TV as we did).
The ride starts off slowly and you think to yourself, this isn’t so bad. All of the sudden – out of no where – you’re spinning and tilting and twisting and turning! You knew this was going to be a big change, but you had no idea you’re your life was going to feel well… like you were on a tilt-a-whirl. You being to rethink your decision… What kind of ride is this? Why would anyone in their right mind think this was a good idea? This is the worst idea in the history of bad ideas. Grad school was a waste of time, I’m completely underutilized… Why did I wait so long in line to and be subjected this kind of… wait a sec… this is… this is kind of fun.
This is the point in a Gen Y’s career in which you’ve been given your 1st BIG project – something that really matters. Something you’re actually contributing to and you’re no longer perceived as a paper pusher. All you’re life you’ve known you’re a star. I mean, you’re parents, teachers, coaches, anyone with ½ a brain has told you how fabulous you are. So it’s about time your company began to realize it. Now you actually start to enjoy your job. And now that you’ve got the hang of spinning on this Tilt-a-Whirl called your career you no longer dread your job. The thought of working on a meaty project makes your stomach tickle, like that feeling you get when you drive over the railroad tracks too fast. So you keep spinning around b/c it makes you giggle and once you start giggling you can’t seem to stop (like shots on a Sat night). Next thing you know you’re crying & laughing – this ride ROCKS! Totally worth the wait!
As the ride slows down, you start to decide if you should ride it again or try another company’s ride. After all you’re Gen Y- you’ve always had multiple options.
Posted by: Beth Kobermann | February 22, 2008 at 12:13 PM