HR Capitalist Now a Featured Blog at Workforce Management (
November 30, 2007
I write a column a couple of times a month over at in addition to the day job, and slogging it out on a nightly basis at The HR Capitalist. That makes me a glutton for punishment.
Here’s the crazy thing – before Workforce approached me in mid-2007 about giving the column thing a shot, I had very low awareness of their online and print content. After digging into the content, I quickly came to the conclusion that and Workforce Management blows the usual suspects away. The content is fresher and more relevant than anything you can find at the other outlets. It’s got street creditability for HR and Talent Management types that can’t be found anywhere else. With the possible exception of a good blog. Which brings me to my next point...
In writing the periodic column, it became evident that a lot of the content at The HR Capitalist was a great fit for the mission at One thing led to another, and I am proud to announce that The HR Capitalist will become a featured blog at, joining a quality lineup of in-house blogs that includes the The Business of Management by Workforce editor John Hollon. We started a soft launch 5-6 weeks ago (that’s when you started seeing the ads here), and it has gone well enough that we’re officially announcing the partnership. Kind of like a probationary period for bloggers. I showed up on time, didn’t take the last of the coffee without making more, etc.
The cool part? I don’t have to change a thing. The HR Capitalist site stays the same, and I continue to post about what interests me (and hopefully you). will feature the Capitalist by linking directly to the content found here. To reciprocate the relationship, we’ll continue to have ads (but only the human capital type of ad, no Viagra spots) and we’ll be writing from time to time about what’s going on over at I’ve also added the Workforce Management logo on the banner above, so traffic from doesn’t think their PC has been hijacked by a renegade blogger. I’m a featured renegade blogger...
Special thanks to the crew at Workforce Management, who have been great to work with over the past few months. If you haven’t browsed through their online and print versions, do it now. It’s the best original HR/Talent Management content on the web, and I’m thrilled to be partnering with them.