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Like the Jeffersons, these HR Blogs are "Moving On Up"....

Last Week, The HR Capitalist announced the first installation of the HR Blog Power Rankings, with rankings reflecting blog entries from July 30th to August 29th across 103 HR-related blogs.  Check out the complete Poll Methodology here...

Next Poll is set to print on 9/13 or 9/14.  Who's hot leading up to the next poll?  At the halfway mark, theseJeffersons blogs are "moving on up" the list:

--KnowHR Blog - Frank's on fire with posts on Jerk Free Jobs, Counterintuitive Communication and giving high school grads a chance

--Trizle - Quirky style, but it works for me.  An original flavor...

--Fortify Your Oasis - Rowan's waxing on zero-sum training games and the Definitive Job-Hunt

--Knowledge Infuser - Jason has a cool poll determining your technology typography and applauding the Crackberry in your organization....

--The Career Revolution - Michael's got a nice case for the wisdom of flaming former co-workers and runs down Big Blue's Vacation policy...

Others are moving up, some are moving down, but quality is everywhere.  See you on the 13th with the next HR Blog Power Rankings....


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