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Tom Brady, Baby Daddies, FMLA and Dependent Eligibility....

It's getting close to NFL time in America, and that means the Capitalist is keeping a close eye on all things football when not polishing up the HR skills.  With that in mind, it's preseason, so instead of game scores and injury reports, items like NFL superstar Tom Brady's fathering skills get more airtime than actual football

Here's the rundown for Brady.  The ex-girlfriend of Brady, actress Bridget Moynahan, gave birth to theirTom_brady_and_bridget baby boy on Wednesday. Brady flew out that day to visit mother and child in Santa Monica, Calif., where Moynahan lives, but he shares a home in New York with his current girlfriend, model Gisele Bundchen, who is also rumored to be pregnant.

Two HR Questions from the world of Brady:

1.  Should Brady apply for FMLA leave even if he is willing to take banked time off to cover the absence?  Ever notice how most dads don't apply for FMLA even if they are going out on any form of paternity leave?  Would you make him certify under FMLA so you could count the time?

2.  Assuming Brady isn't legally married to either woman, under what circumstances would you cover either child as a covered dependent?  Need some type of legal document establishing paternity?

Of course you need the legal paperwork to cover Brady's son.  You are trying to hold the line on medical expenses.  No one, including a golden boy like Brady, sneaks on your medical plan without paperwork.... Plus, you're probably a Colts fan....


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