My Boss - One of the Good Guys.... Your Boss? Think Charlie's Angels.....
August 07, 2007
Anytime you talk about bosses in a blog, it's always good to get the facts/disclaimer about my boss in the title..
My boss is good. Supportive, I can learn from him, challenges me when I need it...
What about your boss?
In a rare CareerBuilder email I find value in (let's face it, most of it is spam), I received details of a survey of 5,700 respondents to the following question - "Which TV boss most reminds you of your own boss?" Here are the most popular along with adjectives describing why:
- Sam Malone from "Cheers"
- Charlie from "Charlie's Angels"
- Judge Judy from "Judge Judy"
- Donald Trump from "The Apprentice"
- Simon Cowell from "American Idol"
- Mr. Burns from "The Simpsons"
- Miranda Bailey from "Grey's Anatomy"
- Michael Scott from "The Office"
- Tyra Banks from "America's Next Top Model"
- Jack from "Lost"
To shed some light on how the respondent's selections translate to the day-to-day experiences of the workplace, Rosemary Haefner, Vice President of Human Resources at, points to the following traits often associated with these characters/personas. I've added my own observations to compliment hers in parenthesis:
- Sam Malone from "Cheers" – amicable, fun (likes to drink)
- Charlie from "Charlie's Angels" – absentee (swoops in to say "good job", hires only attractive women)
- Judge Judy from "Judge Judy" – no nonsense (crabby)
- Donald Trump from "The Apprentice" – demanding, powerful (big hair)
- Simon Cowell from "American Idol" – judgmental, insulting (brutally honest)
- Mr. Burns from "The Simpsons" – sinister (keeps a flunky around - aka smithers)
- Miranda Bailey from "Grey's Anatomy" – tough, but fair (can't speak to it - don't watch the show)
- Michael Scott from "The Office" – idiotic (Trys waaaay too hard)
- Tyra Banks from "America's Next Top Model" – constantly challenging, quick to point out flaws (again, don't watch the show)
- Jack from "Lost" – smart, looks out for the team (again, don't watch the show)
Love the Charlie's Angels reference for an absentee boss, and any Simpsons reference is good for me to get my head around a concept. Ones I think the masses missed - Lumburgh from Office Space, Michael Douglas from Wall Street, Michael J. Fox from Spin City, any boss from "24", etc....