Ulrich's "Business Ally" HR Competency - Can You Get Another Job At Your Company?
It's True - Socialists Love Weak Performance Management...

HR Blogging - Reporting on the Story Without Being the Story...

I've received 6 or 7 emails wondering where a entry on the Capitalist was they have seen referred to elsewhere.   The whole story made me wonder "What would Ron Burgundy do?"  Here's the deal:

Last week I wrote an item entitled "When Employees Blog About Pending Harassment Claims", detailing a blog putRon_burgundy_2 up by an ex-employee on a harassment situation that ultimately drove them from their company.  From the post:

"Scorned ex-employees and even current employees can (and do) blog about events in your company.  Even previously off-limits topics like harassment claims are now fair game.  This blog looks to be established for the sole purpose of telling the story related to that charge."

In addition to that, I also clipped the most non-objectionable content from the blog as an example of what employees can put out there regarding their version of events at your company.

Then the fun began.  By noon the next day, I had a comment that provided a link to photos, supposedly of the employee to prove they were a real person.  Click through to the link and viola!  Pictures of a strip club reported to be the hangout for company executives and a nice picture of a reported marketing manager doing questionable things.  I pulled the comment and explained why in the blog post (don't trash up my Disney-approved blog, etc), only to get another comment pitching how the marketing manager was a freak, liar and a cheat to boot.

So I pulled the whole thing.  Nice.  Looking to report on the trends, not be the trend.  As Ron would say, stay classy, San Diego...



Blogging is very helpful in linking, sites like this helps add traffic on the net. Quit cool. You jut don’t stick to a particular site when you visit it, it attracts a surfer to diff destinations on the net. When surfing the net on a particular topic, the next thing you end up is a diff topic.

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