HR Capitalist Economics - Why Unemployment Numbers Matter...
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Baseball Preview - Do Your Customers/Employees Love You This Much?

Sure, your employees/customers love you.  Do they love you this much?Cropcircles

Picture to the right is from a Troy, MO farmer who plowed out a logo St. Louis Cardinals logo in his field, spanning two acres. This seems complicated - isn't driving your tractor in script a lost art?  Regular letters, sure, but script on a Tractor?  I'm a Missouri kid, so even with my lonesome-loser like love of the Royals, I claim the Cardinals as my own as well.

Did a check on hoax level and it seems to be real. You can even see it on Google Maps by calling it up yourself - go south on Hwy 61 from Troy.  Call me when your customers, employees or Red Sox fans (Hi Deb!) do a tribute to your brand that is visible from space.  Last time that happened, I think it was China centuries ago and the activity probably wasn't voluntary on the part of the labor involved... 

Be sure and check out the other HR Capitalist Baseball Preview entries to date - The downtrodden KC Royals and hothead HR nightmare Ozzie G.  Also see Deb's post on the dicey proposition of buying talent at any cost...


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