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Good Cop or Bad Cop? Comments on the Scott's Wellness Program

A couple of weeks ago, we profiled the aggressive efforts of Scott's in implementing a comprehensive Wellness Program, with the an ultra-aggressive twist - firing smokers. In this week's addition of BusinessWeek, the readers fired back. As you might expect, the opinions are across the board, but always emotional:

From a worker who resents the invasion of privacy and codes such a program as discriminatory:

Thank you, BusinessWeek, for your article about Scotts Miracle-Gro and their invasive tactics into their employees' personal lives. It is truly shameful that a corporation makes use of data-mining software to "scour the physical, mental, and family health histories of nearly every employee" to invade their personal lives. I will never buy Scotts' products again. -- Bob Bevill Merrimack, N.H.

From a healthy self-employed worker who resents paying the bills for others:

I am 55 years old and have been self-employed for most of my working life. So has my wife. Both of us eat well but moderately, exercise regularly, and are trim and healthy. In spite of our excellent condition, we must pay over $7,800 per year out of pocket for our family's health insurance plan because 60% of our fellow citizens [are] overweight or obese, drink too much, smoke too much, and exercise too little. I find this infuriating beyond words. My view is that those people should pay out of their own pockets for the health consequences of their sedentary lifestyles. I applaud Jim Hagedorn's relentless yet engaging approach to enforced employee wellness and I hope that every company in the nation follows his lead. -- Tony Eldon Owner, Bay Area Property Inspections and BayMountain Environmental San Rafael, Calif.

Interesting comments across the board. One angle you will find if you click through is the call to separate health care from employees and nationalize the system. Do these folks really think that is an answer? Have they been to the DMV lately?


Susanne Green

Your thought processing is wonderful. The way you tell the thing is awesome. You are really a master. Great Blog!! That was amazing.
Susanne Green
medical assistant

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