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Mark Cuban Says Kill The Suit...

At my daytime gig at SourceMedical, we recently took the plunge on eliminating Business Casual as a Mark_cuban requirement for our dress code.  While a lot of workplaces are starting to crack down on the slippery slope that is Business Casual, we went the other way and made our defacto standard Casual Dress (with standards, jeans and a collar on the shirt are requirements, but sneakers are OK).  Apparently Internet zillionare Mark Cuban agrees with the move, ranting on the economic and cultural value of suits in the workplace and in society in general over at Blog Maverick.  Of course, when you cash out at the height of the Internet bubble, you have more flexibility than most of us.  But to be fair, Mark talks about his days running his own business before the billions came rushing in and acknowledges he wore a suit if the targets he was selling to did so as part of their daily routine. 

How's it going 45 days into the relaxation of our Dress Code?  I think its going well, but I've been in jeans every day since we started, so of course I am happy.  I still see a lot of folks wearing Business Casual, which I think is great and healthy since we can all wear what we are comfortable in.  Also, people staying Business Casual when jeans are OK fits with some of the reported trends that grunge in the workplace is dead.   Of course, no matter how far you take the standard down, someone's always ready to take it further - recently seen in the building - hoodies aka 8 Mile... nice....


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